St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Cycle A: Summer 1 - 'Animal Antics - Pets, zoo, farm'

We listened to various stories including 'I want a pet', 'Little Red Hen', 'Duck in a truck', Dear Zoo', 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?' and non fiction books on animals, such as about chicks. 

We had an incubator with eggs, which we observed, discussed what would happen, handled the chicks once they hatched and learnt about the life cycle of a hen. 

Linked to the story, 'The Little Red Hen', we retold the story through role play and explored what happens to the ingredients when we made our own bread. 

We enjoyed a visit to Tweddle Farm where we got further hands on experience. We learnt about the animals on the farm and even got to feed some of them. 


We celebrated the King's coronation.