St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Working with families

At St Helen's we know that all parents and carers want the best for their children and hope they will be happy and achieve their potential at school. We believe that success in the education of our children depends, at least in some part, on how parents, carers and school work together and this is particularly so when a child has additional needs.

Parents and carers know their children best and we want to take into account your views and experience to increase the effectiveness of any provision put in place for the child. The process of identifying that a child might need additional support or assessment will involve a conversation between school and parents or carers at the earliest opportunity. This makes sure that parents and carers are always consulted at every step and kept fully informed about the help their child is given, and the results of that help.

If your child is receiving additional support because of a Special Educational Need or disability, you will be part of reviewing the impact of the plan and you will receive a copy of your child's Pupil Support Plan (PSP). The PSP gives details of the specific targets your child is working towards and how we can work, in partnership, to help your child achieve these targets.

You will also be invited into school to talk about how your child is doing - what is working and what we might need to do differently. This meeting is in addition to our Parents' Evenings. Coming to these review conversations gives you an opportunity to talk in greater detail about the support that is in place for your child and to ask questions or give us information in a friendly, unhurried situation.

We believe in working very closely with parents and carers of children with more complex needs, in order to support them in school, wherever it is appropriate and possible. We have worked with parents and carers to learn how to support children with medical conditions, those who need specific pieces of equipment or technology, those who need to continue prescribed therapeutic regimes (speech and language, occupational therapy, physical therapy) or need to attend other schools to access part of the curriculum. 

If you have any questions about what is possible, please come and talk to us.