Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium (PP) grant is designed to target resources towards those pupils deemed to be 'disadvantaged'. PP funding varies according to the category of PP. Alongside this we have the Recovery Premium, which is used to target pupils in order to 'catch-up' and close any gaps. An example of this is in the form of school-led tutoring.
1. Pupils entitled to free school meals (FSM)
2. Pupils who have received FSM in the last six years (Ever 6)
3. Pupils who have been 'looked after' continuously for at least six months, or who are 'looked after' for one day or more, or those who are adopted from care, or who leave care under a special guardianship/residence order (CLA)
At St. Helen's Primary School we are fully committed to providing opportunities for all pupils to succeed and to provide support and interventions to make this commitment a reality. The PP funding and the recovery premium received each year is used to promote strategies to close the attainment gap between PP pupils and their peers.
Allocated Funding
2024/2025 |
175,166 |