Staying Safe Online
Online Safety Rationale:
At St. Helen's Primary School we believe it is essential to prepare students for their future technological lives, with a particular focus on online safety. Online safety is a highly important aspect of keeping our children safe and our computing e-safety curriculum is taught discretely across all year groups to ensure our children are ready, respectful and safe online.
Although it is essential to limit young people's exposure to harmful content via filters and restrictions, we understand the importance of promoting our pupils’ confidence, skills and knowledge to enable an implicit understanding between appropriate and inappropriate material. We ensure our pupils are prepared; knowing how to keep safe online at all times.
In school, we follow Childnet’s SMART rules:
For more information on our e-safety and computing curriculum, follow the link below.Computing (Curriculum menu tab)
Parental Guidance
As a parent, you may not be a computing whiz or be up to speed with all the latest apps, but you may be able to help your child understand the social aspect of keeping safe online. For instance, the implications of their online behaviour (understanding what goes online stays online e.g. the impact of our digital footprint). Having an awareness of what children play online and allowing time for regular conversations is essential; encouraging children to speak to you about any concerns or worries they have.
Below is a list of helpful information sheets and links, based on online games and social media your child may access. ‘
Social Media:
Online Gaming:
Further Information Links:
Parents and carers | CEOP Education (
CEOP Education (
Childnet — Online safety for young people
If you are ever unsure of a social media app or online game your child has access to, or have any questions you would like to ask, please feel free to speak to our Computing Lead (Miss Richardson) or our Designated Safeguarding Leads for further information.