Class 5 (Year 4) - Mrs Baines
Welcome to Class 5 (Year 4).
My name is Mrs Baines– I am the class teacher in Class 5. Mrs Oram is the teaching assistant.
It is our priority to ensure your child's safety, promote wellbeing and make learning enjoyable and engaging!
We will begin to prepare for the end of year 4 Multiplication Check, starting with the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, whilst developing the children's knowledge of 2's, 5's and 10's.
Your child will bring home a reading book every day. Please listen to them read and make a comment in their reading record. The reading record also has suggested questions that you could ask your child about the book they are reading. Both your child’s reading book and their reading record should be returned to school every morning.
Your child will bring home spellings on a Monday which will focus on a new spelling rule for the current week. There will be up to 20 words and 10 of them will be selected for the Friday's spelling test. Children should practise these spellings each night alongside our spelling lessons in school. Spelling sheets do not need to be returned to school.
Maths and English
Your child will bring home Maths or English work which will consolidate learning from the previous week. This work should be completed and returned to school by the date provided on the top of the worksheet.
Weekly PE lessons will take place every Tuesday PM and Thursday AM. Children must bring with them an appropriate PE kit to wear during these lessons. Our school PE kit consists of black shorts, a white t-shirt and appropriate footwear.
In addition, Class 5 start swimming lessons later in the year on a Monday morning as part of their statutory requirement. Your child will need: a swimming costume/swimming shorts (not loose), swimming cap and a towel.
We are always available on the playground before and after school, if you have any questions or worries please let us know.