St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School




Our school provides a carefully structured routine, where there is a balance of learning and teaching, care and structure within a home-like atmosphere.

 We aim to:

  • Increase inclusive practice for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties and to develop ways in which the school supports such children.
  • Develop awareness about the cause of behaviour and the effective management of behaviour problems in line with the school behaviour policy.
  • Raise the achievement of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • Increase joint working practices between school staff and outside agencies.
  • Increase parental involvement in supporting their children and developing a positive attitude toward school.
  • Support children with their ability to self-regulate allowing them to successfully manage their emotions

Parents are a key element of nurture work. Therefore, parents are consulted  during an initial meeting. Parents are regularly invited to meet with staff and spend time with their child within the provision. Staff support parents by giving appropriate advice and interaction strategies.

 Our nurture group is well structured with a strong sense of routine and familiarity.

 Children and parents can expect the following:

  •   Sessions run from 1:35pm - 3:00pm with in class support being offered throughout the mornings.
  •  The afternoon will include activities such as Forest School, cooking, arts and crafts and sensory play linked through a fiction or non-fiction text. Outside playtime, shared play, snack activities are all linked to the Thrive approach and meet the needs of individual children. Circle time, mindfulness, peer massage and news sharing is a key element to the smooth delivery of the day.
  •  Children from the group will still be able to attend special activities, which may occur during the school day, as a part of their base class.
  •  There is a good link with the child’s class through the recognition of achievement, we share the news of certificates and stickers.
  •  The rewards in the nurture group are consistent and structured.
  •  On returning to class, teachers are given good news and all staff are encouraged to acknowledge the achievement.
  •  The nurture group make time to celebrate birthdays with a party which includes cake & candles and a card from their nurture group friends.

Monitoring of children’s progress and the effectiveness of the nurture group is of paramount importance to maintain high standards of nurture provision.

  • Children’s progress is continually monitored with a daily review of the session, weekly observations of the children
  • Individual files are kept with the Thrive assessments.
  • Half termly meetings with staff are arranged to review class progress
  • Nurture lead completes Thrive assessments.
  • Regular meetings are held with the nurture team and SENDCo to review re- integration or other relevant issues.
  • Observation of children in main class setting each half term to inform the Boxall assessment
  • Thrive assessments are completed for each child prior to accessing the nurture group and then termly.

     Nurture Policy