St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Class 4 (Year 3) - Mrs Carr


Welcome to Class 4, Year 3. Mrs Carr will be teaching the class and the Teaching Assistant working in Class 3 will be Mrs Woodward.

"I look forward to meeting you all in September and I am very excited for you to be in class 3 this year.  We are going to have a fantastic year, covering a range of exciting topics.  I know we will have a brilliant time in year 3 and enjoy learning brand new things." - Mrs Carr.

Should you have any questions, then one of the teachers will be available on the playground either before or after school.



Children will receive maths and English homework on a Friday to be returned to school by the next Wednesday.  Homework will focus on revising topics we have completed that week in class.


Your child will bring home a reading book every day. Please listen to them read and make a comment in their reading record. Both your child’s reading book and their reading record should be returned every morning.  Children will also receive reading homework on a Friday that must be completed for the next Wednesday. 


Your child will bring home a range of spellings on a Monday. They should practise these spellings each night and will be tested on them on the Friday afternoon. These spelling sheets do not need to be returned to school.


Class 4 will be taking part in PE lessons on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.  Children will be required to bring in the expected PE kit for their sessions: black shorts, a white t-shirt and appropriate footwear.