Class 1 (Year 1) - Ms Tyler
Welcome to Class 1,
Hello, my name is Ms Tyler and I will be your teacher in Year 1 this year and Miss Mallabar will be your teaching assistant.
We hope you will enjoy all the fun topics that we have planned for you this year. These topics include, The Great Fire of London in history, Home Sweet Home in geography and Making Soup in DT. Our main priority is to keep you safe and ensure your wellbeing is supported throughout the year, with lots of fun learning incorporated.
Your child will bring home a reading book on a Wednesday each week, which we would like you to return by Monday. Please read with your child every night and comment in their reading journal. Teachers will also comment in your child’s reading book and may leave some suggested questions you could as your child whilst reading with them.
Your child will bring home spellings on a Monday night to practise throughout the week for their spelling test on a Friday. We appreciate your support in helping your child to learn their spellings each week.
Class 1 now have two PE lesson a week on a Wednesday morning and a Friday afternoon. For PE lessons, children need black shorts, a white t-shirt and appropriate footwear. PE kits are to be brought into school in a bag ready for the week and can be left in school until the end of each half term.
If you have any questions, I am always available on a morning and after school so please do not hesitate to ask.
Thank you for your continued support,
Ms Tyler