St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School



KS2 Results 2024

Subjects % of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above
Reading 88%
Writing 82%
Maths 76%
GPS 84%
RWM Combined 76%


Subject Average Scaled Score
Reading 108
Maths 105
GPS 109


Subject % of pupils who achieved greater depth standard
Reading 39%
Writing 18%
Maths 27%
GPS 42%
RWM Greater Depth 15%

KS2 Results 2023

Subjects % of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above
Reading 89%
Writing 79%
Maths  81%
GPS 80%
RWM Combined 79%


Subject Average Scaled Score
Reading 105
Maths 104
GPS 106


Subject % of pupils who achieved greater depth standard
Reading 26%
Maths 16%
Writing 21%
GPS 40%