Year 6 - Home Learning
Welcome to the Year 6 Home Learning Page,
We hope you are all safe and well.
As we begin what would have been the Summer term, we will be updating this page fortnightly with home learning tasks that you can complete with your child/ren. Please click the relevant button below.
Home Learning Projects (Fortnightly)
Week Beginning 20th April - Summer Term Week 1 and 2.
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 1 and 2 - Click Here
Week Beginning 4th May- Summer Term Week 3 and 4
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 3 and 4 - Click Here
Week Beginning 18th May- Summer Term Week 5 and 6
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 5 and 6 - Click Here
Week Beginning 1st June - Summer Term Week 7 and 8
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 7 and 8 - Click Here
Week Beginning 15th June - Summer Term Week 9 and 10
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 9 and 10 - Click Here
Week Beginning 29th June - Summer Term Week 11 and 12
Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Project - Week 11 and 12 - Click Here
We hope that you are all safe and well. Although this is not how we would have anticipated your final term at primary school ending, we are still determined to ensure that you have the best start to Year 7 that you possibly can. The following links/websites will be helpful in ensuring that your skills and knowledge continue to develop. Please also refer to your revision booklets and revision guides to help and support you with any ‘tricky’ concepts. If you require any help or support, or would like to share any of your completed work with us, please get in touch via the Year 6 e-mail.
English and Maths Useful Home Learning Websites
This site is publishing weekly ‘learning from home packs’ including a range of maths and English activities.
Has images to inspire reading and writing.
Has links to a range of reading activities and ebooks.
Has a range of maths challenges.
Has links to a range of interactive maths games.
Has support for homework help and links to sites with additional maths resources.
Has a range of resources for all areas of the curriculum.
Includes information on a range of curriculum areas and has links to other related sites.
Wider Curriculum
We’ve also attached some possible projects that you could complete around topics that we have studied this year- give them a go! Don’t forget, we’d love to see photos of any completed work using the Year 6 email.
Here’s a link to a fun art project around collage. Can you create a collage, using any materials that you have available at home, of a local landmark? Be creative!
See the attached file for a number of tasks you could complete around our topic of ‘The Ancient Greeks’ to develop your knowledge of this wondrous ancient civilisation. Tasks include creating a Greek gods fact file, designing and making your own Greek vase, and reading a myth and writing your own. We’d love to see any completed work.
As part of British Science Week, you researched a famous scientist and created a poster about their life. Now take a scientist of your choice (there are some suggestions on the attached sheet) and research their life and work. You can present your work as a poster, a report, a fact file, a PowerPoint presentation- be creative!