Year 3 - Home Learning
Welcome to the Year 3, Home Learning page.
We hope you are all safe and well.
As we begin what would have been the Summer term, we will be updating this page fortnightly with home learning tasks that you can complete with your child/ren. Please click the relevant button below.
Home Learning Projects (Fortnightly)
Week Beginning 20th April - Summer Term Week 1 and 2.
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 1 and 2 - Click Here
Week Beginning 4th May - Summer Term Week 3 and 4
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 3 and 4 - Click Here
Week Beginning 18th May - Summer Term Week 5 and 6
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 5 and 6 - Click Here
Week Beginning 1st June - Summer Term Week 7 and 8
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 7 and 8 - Click Here
Week Beginning 15th June - Summer Term Week 9 and 10
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 9 and 10 - Click Here
Week Beginning 29th June - Summer Term Week 11 and 12
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Project - Week 11 and 12 - Click Here
We hope that you are safe and well during this time. Below are a range of websites and activities to support home learning over the next few weeks. The page will be updated regularly with new and exciting resources for children to try. Please encourage your child to use Spelling Shed and Times table Rockstars daily to complete set assignments.
It would be lovely to see your child's amazing work! Feel free to email stories, photos of arts and crafts or any other excellent work that your child has completed over the forthcoming weeks to the year 3 email.
If you have any questions at all around learning activities or would like to request additional resources, please feel free to email via
General Curriculum Websites
Twinkl has a range of activities, videos, worksheets and power points to support all aspects of the curriculum. Use code: UKTWINKLHELPS to access a free month.
Classroom secrets is currently providing free online and printable resources for children.
TTS are providing free home learning packs for KS2 to download
This is an excellent website providing a range of free resources to promote fluency, reasoning and problem solving in mathematics.
BBC bitesize has a range of online learning activities, worksheets and games for children. Simply follow the link for KS2 Year 3 maths
Free access to Carol Vorderman's maths website
This website provides a range of maths games including hit the button to support children's timetables knowledge.
Snappy maths provides a range of free activities and worksheet. Simply follow the link for year 3
Bitesize is an excellent free resource to support spelling, punctuation and writing. Bitesize daily is running from April to provide a special daily lesson in English
Literacy shed has lots of brilliant short film and videos that children can use as a writing stimulus. Each video includes a bank of question and a range of possible writing ideas.
David Walliams is providing a free story everyday at 11am
This website has a range of story extracts, activities and printable sheets linked to the Roald Dahl books
Wider Curriculum Resources
Free to join. This website has lots of science, maths and computing activities for children to try
Terrific scientific live lessons, videos and resources
This website provides lots of arts and craft ideas for you to try
Cosmic kids is a free children's yoga site
Fun, active learning linked to all aspects of the curriculum
Free activities from change4life to promote healthy eating and exercise
Scratch Jr
Scratch Jr is a free computer coding app available on android and apple
Google Earth
Google Earth is a free app/ website that allows children to explore many places across the world